الأحد، 12 أكتوبر 2014


Luxor dubbed the city cent door or the city of the sun, [2] formerly known as the name of good, is the capital of Egypt in the Pharaonic era, [3] is located on the banks of the Nile River, which divides it into two parts of the mainland east and the west bank, which is the capital of the province of Luxor in southern Egypt, located between latitudes 25-36 north from 0.32 to 33 in the east, and away from the Egyptian capital Cairo about 670 km, [4] and the northern city of Aswan, about 220 km, and the southern city of Qena, about 56 km, and on the south-west of the city of Hurghada at about 280 km, [4 ] is bounded on the north center Qous and Qena Governorate, and from the south center of Edfu and Aswan, and to the east the Red Sea Governorate, on the west by Armant and the New Valley Governorate, [5] the nearest sea ports of the city is the port of Safaga, and the nearest airports to the Luxor International Airport .

The area of ​​Luxor, about 416 km ², and the populated area is 208 km ², [6] and a population of approximately 487 896 people, according to the census of 2010, [7] [8] divided city of Luxor administratively into five Heachat is the legitimacy of the buoy, Karnak old, Karnak new Qurna, facility-Amari, [9] and six cities and villages affiliates are Bayadeya, lentoids nautical, lentoids before me, Tod, Albgdadaa, Habil, is said to be shorter, with approximately one-third of the effects of the world, it also includes many of the monuments of ancient Pharaonic divided on Albrain east and west of the city, featuring the mainland east of Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple, and by rams link between the two temples, and the Luxor Museum, the mainland western fitted and the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Deir el-Bahari, Valley of the Queens, Deir el-Medina, the Ramesseum, and a statue of Memnon. [10] [11]

Because of the establishment of the city of Thebes to the Fourth Dynasty around 2575 BC, [12] and even the Middle Kingdom were not good more than just a collection of huts Statistics contiguous, though, so they were used as a cemetery for the burial of the dead, he was buried where governors since the age of old state and beyond, [12] then became city of Thebes later the capital of Egypt in the era of the Egyptian family eleventh at the hands of Pharaoh Mentuhotep first, [12] and which has succeeded in uniting the country again after the chaos transmitting in Egypt in the First Intermediate Period, the city of Thebes remained the capital of the state until the fall of the Egyptian pharaohs and family Thirty-first at the hands of the Persians 332 BC. [12]

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

الخميس، 9 أكتوبر 2014

In Photos: Visiting Egypt's Deserted Tourist TrapsFour years ago, you couldn't see the ground for tourists,” Essam El Zawawy said as he gestured into the road outside the shop 10 feet from the main entrance to the Giza Pyramids where he works. As he spoke, the street was deserted apart from a parked taxi and a couple of men drinking tea and smoking. “Then it was like a big party, like the crowds in Tahrir Square during the revolution,” he recalled, referring to the mass demonstrations in the central Cairo plaza which helped topple President Hosni Mubarak in 2011. But the revolution gutted Egypt's tourist industry. Mubarak’s ouster was the start of a period of turmoil for the country that saw ongoing unrest, political instability, and the appointment — then subsequent removal by the military — of Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president. The new army-backed government then launched a crackdown against his supporters, killing hundreds and arresting many thousands more. Travel warnings followed from many countries, and vacationers stayed away. Tourism accounted for more than 11 percent of Egypt’s GDP and for one out of every eight jobs, according to official figures. But by 2013, revenues had dropped from $12.5 billion in 2010 to $5.8 billion; visitor numbers fell from 14.7 million to 9.5 million over the same period. Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou described last year as the worst in modern history. And 2014 may be worse still. Visitor numbers have continued to decline over the past 12 months, and April saw a 22 percent drop in tourist numbers compared to the same time last year, the tourism ministry said. Cairo, once the natural tourist destination of choice, became the focal point for most of Egypt's unrest and took the biggest hit as a result. The tourism ministry’s "pragmatic" plan to ignore the city when marketing Egypt to vacationers did not help. Those visitors who still ventured into the country tended to head to cheaper and more peaceful beach resorts such as Sharm el-Sheikh on the Red Sea. In the capital, the impact is obvious. Only a trickle of visitors visit the famous Egyptian Museum, which is often surrounded by soldiers, police, and armored vehicles ready to prevent or disperse demonstrations in Tahrir Square next door. Tourist bazaars are empty but for despondent shop owners, while hawkers and touts are desperate, and hotels are empty apart from visiting businessmen and journalists. The appointment of new president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi — the former armed forces head who toppled Morsi — and an apparent return to strongman rule has led some to hope for an increase in stability and subsequent boost in foreign visitors. For those with mouths to feed, civil rights are something of a luxury. “I have a business, I have family, and I'm afraid… I think Sisi will do something good for the country and everyone [tourists] will come back,” Zawawy says with obvious hope. “That's why I voted for him.” Shops that once sold papyrus, perfumes, and tourist trinkets near the Giza pyramids are mostly closed. Business owners who remain offer to guide visitors through the area to supplement their vastly reduced incomes. All photos by John Beck. * A man sleeping outside a disused shop and a closed hotel in a tourist area by the pyramids. Hawkers and guides far outnumber tourists both here and at the pyramids themselves. * The pyramids themselves are almost deserted. Men and boys with horses and camels make up by far the biggest part of the crowd inside the complex. Some are resigned and subdued. Others are desperate and aggressive, coaxing tourists onto their animal for a photograph then not letting them down until demands for more and more money are met. * Empty shelves where vendors used to sell their wares by the pyramid exit. A few still wait with a selection of trinkets for any visitors that pass. Some, less scrupulous, hawkers have started selling pieces of the pyramids. * Camels sit by the pyramids waiting for people who might want to ride or take pictures with them. Zawawy said that before 2011 there were often too many visitors to cope with. “We would run from the tourists, we'd be so tired and wouldn't get off a horse or camel all day.” * A few miles from the Giza pyramids, the Pharaonic Village promises to bring ancient Egypt to life. The attraction is centered round a sizable recreation of an ancient Egyptian settlement and also features a selection of small museums. This includes one dedicated to former president Anwar Sadat, which displays his toothbrush and hair oil. Guide Ahmed Hosny told VICE News that the village had more than 300 employees before the revolution, but that now there were “200 some.” Whatever the figure, they vastly outnumbered guests. On a Friday, the busiest day of the week for the village, the only visitors for the English version of the tour to arrive within a half-hour wait were two Dutch tourists. “Since the revolution, few people come, they’re scared,” Hosny said. He too, hopes that Sisi’s election will help restore some semblance of normality. “We have been suffering. With [the election of] Sisi all Egyptians hope this is the end [to the turmoil].” A sign at the Pharaonic Village entrance which suggests there wasn't a huge number of visitors last month. * The tour begins with a boat trip around the "village," which is situated on a small island in the Nile. A voiceover set to a soundtrack reminiscent of an atmospheric 1980s action-film trailer introduces statues of ancient Egyptian gods, a recreation of the baby Moses being found in the marshes, and actors re-enacting domestic and farming scenes. * A man and a mannequin posed as ancient Egyptian painters. Actors also recreate various other arts and trades, including sculpting, stonemasonry, mummification, and beer- and wine-making. Each actor slowly repeats the same tasks for each tour group then undoes the work they just completed and starts again. * The on-foot section of the tour begins with a small, but gaudy recreation of the Luxor Temple. The tour guides instructs visitors to ask permission to enter from an actor wearing a fake leopard skin who plays a high priest. The same actor doubled as a “poor man” in a subsequent section of the tour. * Inside a reproduction of a wealthy ancient Egyptian's house, his “wife” sits in an alcove wearing a paper crown. * Giza Zoo also markets itself to visiting tourists, although there were none to be seen on one recent weekend. This has a major impact on its income as foreigners pay more than six times as much as Egyptians for entrance. The zoo is close to both Cairo University, where there have been frequent clashes between protesters and security forces, and Nahda Square, location of a large protest camp of Morsi supporters last summer before security forces moved in to disperse it, killing scores. The state-run zoo was in the news late last year after local media reported that a giraffe there committed suicide (staff say it was an accident). Three black bears died in May under unknown circumstance in what management called a bear "riot.” Employees converge on visitors clutching books of photos and ancient cameras offering them the chance to have their picture taken with a baby lion. A camel eating a piece of carrot from an Egyptian boy's head. Zoo staff offer families photo opportunities in the hope of receiving tips. * A closed-up ticket booth with a red handprint. Parts of the zoo are closed off or in disrepair. * A boy stands in front of horror masks at the zoo's market section. The shops selling souvenir items have few customers and a number of cafes and restaurants are closed. * A man sits in a rest area surrounded by rubbish. The zoo is frequented by Egyptians who pay a fraction of the price charged to tourists, many visit to take advantage of one of the few green spaces in town rather than to see the animals. * Two monkeys sit motionless in their cages. The zoo does not have a good history of care for its animals and many look sickly.

Four years ago, you couldn't see the ground for tourists,” Essam El Zawawy said as he gestured into the road outside the shop 10 feet from the main entrance to the Giza Pyramids where he works.
As he spoke, the street was deserted apart from a parked taxi and a couple of men drinking tea and smoking. “Then it was like a big party, like the crowds in Tahrir Square during the revolution,” he recalled, referring to the mass demonstrations in the central Cairo plaza which helped topple President Hosni Mubarak in 2011.
But the revolution gutted Egypt's tourist industry. Mubarak’s ouster was the start of a period of turmoil for the country that saw ongoing unrest, political instability, and the appointment — then subsequent removal by the military — of Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president. The new army-backed government then launched a crackdown against his supporters, killing hundreds and arresting many thousands more. Travel warnings followed from many countries, and vacationers stayed away.
Tourism accounted for more than 11 percent of Egypt’s GDP and for one out of every eight jobs, according to official figures. But by 2013, revenues had dropped from $12.5 billion in 2010 to $5.8 billion; visitor numbers fell from 14.7 million to 9.5 million over the same period. Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou described last year as the worst in modern history.
And 2014 may be worse still. Visitor numbers have continued to decline over the past 12 months, and April saw a 22 percent drop in tourist numbers compared to the same time last year, the tourism ministry said.
Cairo, once the natural tourist destination of choice, became the focal point for most of Egypt's unrest and took the biggest hit as a result. The tourism ministry’s "pragmatic" plan to ignore the city when marketing Egypt to vacationers did not help. Those visitors who still ventured into the country tended to head to cheaper and more peaceful beach resorts such as Sharm el-Sheikh on the Red Sea.
In the capital, the impact is obvious. Only a trickle of visitors visit the famous Egyptian Museum, which is often surrounded by soldiers, police, and armored vehicles ready to prevent or disperse demonstrations in Tahrir Square next door. Tourist bazaars are empty but for despondent shop owners, while hawkers and touts are desperate, and hotels are empty apart from visiting businessmen and journalists.
The appointment of new president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi — the former armed forces head who toppled Morsi — and an apparent return to strongman rule has led some to hope for an increase in stability and subsequent boost in foreign visitors. For those with mouths to feed, civil rights are something of a luxury. “I have a business, I have family, and I'm afraid… I think Sisi will do something good for the country and everyone [tourists] will come back,” Zawawy says with obvious hope. “That's why I voted for him.”
Shops that once sold papyrus, perfumes, and tourist trinkets near the Giza pyramids are mostly closed. Business owners who remain offer to guide visitors through the area to supplement their vastly reduced incomes. All photos by John Beck.
A man sleeping outside a disused shop and a closed hotel in a tourist area by the pyramids. Hawkers and guides far outnumber tourists both here and at the pyramids themselves.
The pyramids themselves are almost deserted. Men and boys with horses and camels make up by far the biggest part of the crowd inside the complex. Some are resigned and subdued. Others are desperate and aggressive, coaxing tourists onto their animal for a photograph then not letting them down until demands for more and more money are met.
Empty shelves where vendors used to sell their wares by the pyramid exit. A few still wait with a selection of trinkets for any visitors that pass. Some, less scrupulous, hawkers have started selling pieces of the pyramids.
Camels sit by the pyramids waiting for people who might want to ride or take pictures with them. Zawawy said that before 2011 there were often too many visitors to cope with. “We would run from the tourists, we'd be so tired and wouldn't get off a horse or camel all day.”
A few miles from the Giza pyramids, the Pharaonic Village promises to bring ancient Egypt to life. The attraction is centered round a sizable recreation of an ancient Egyptian settlement and also features a selection of small museums. This includes one dedicated to former president Anwar Sadat, which displays his toothbrush and hair oil.
Guide Ahmed Hosny told VICE News that the village had more than 300 employees before the revolution, but that now there were “200 some.” Whatever the figure, they vastly outnumbered guests. On a Friday, the busiest day of the week for the village, the only visitors for the English version of the tour to arrive within a half-hour wait were two Dutch tourists.
“Since the revolution, few people come, they’re scared,” Hosny said. He too, hopes that Sisi’s election will help restore some semblance of normality. “We have been suffering. With [the election of] Sisi all Egyptians hope this is the end [to the turmoil].”
A sign at the Pharaonic Village entrance which suggests there wasn't a huge number of visitors last month.
The tour begins with a boat trip around the "village," which is situated on a small island in the Nile. A voiceover set to a soundtrack reminiscent of an atmospheric 1980s action-film trailer introduces statues of ancient Egyptian gods, a recreation of the baby Moses being found in the marshes, and actors re-enacting domestic and farming scenes.
A man and a mannequin posed as ancient Egyptian painters. Actors also recreate various other arts and trades, including sculpting, stonemasonry, mummification, and beer- and wine-making. Each actor slowly repeats the same tasks for each tour group then undoes the work they just completed and starts again.
The on-foot section of the tour begins with a small, but gaudy recreation of the Luxor Temple. The tour guides instructs visitors to ask permission to enter from an actor wearing a fake leopard skin who plays a high priest. The same actor doubled as a “poor man” in a subsequent section of the tour.
Inside a reproduction of a wealthy ancient Egyptian's house, his “wife” sits in an alcove wearing a paper crown.
Giza Zoo also markets itself to visiting tourists, although there were none to be seen on one recent weekend. This has a major impact on its income as foreigners pay more than six times as much as Egyptians for entrance.
The zoo is close to both Cairo University, where there have been frequent clashes between protesters and security forces, and Nahda Square, location of a large protest camp of Morsi supporters last summer before security forces moved in to disperse it, killing scores.
The state-run zoo was in the news late last year after local media reported that a giraffe there committed suicide (staff say it was an accident). Three black bears died in May under unknown circumstance in what management called a bear "riot.” Employees converge on visitors clutching books of photos and ancient cameras offering them the chance to have their picture taken with a baby lion.
A camel eating a piece of carrot from an Egyptian boy's head. Zoo staff offer families photo opportunities in the hope of receiving tips.
A closed-up ticket booth with a red handprint. Parts of the zoo are closed off or in disrepair.
A boy stands in front of horror masks at the zoo's market section. The shops selling souvenir items have few customers and a number of cafes and restaurants are closed.
A man sits in a rest area surrounded by rubbish. The zoo is frequented by Egyptians who pay a fraction of the price charged to tourists, many visit to take advantage of one of the few green spaces in town rather than to see the animals.
Two monkeys sit motionless in their cages. The zoo does not have a good history of care for its animals and many look sickly.

Egyptian Tourism’s Message to World: Come Anyway

CAIRO — “We’ve missed you,” Egypt’s ministry of tourism says in its new advertising campaign, a plaintive plea for summer visitors from wealthy countries in the Persian Gulf.
That is putting it mildly. For three years now, political turmoil has scared many travelers away from Egypt, leaving millions of people whose livelihoods depend on visitors desperate for any sign of an end to the most sustained tourism crisis anyone here can recall.
At Cosmos, a 37-year-old tour company in Cairo that used to serve up to 30,000 customers a year, Khaled M. Ismail, the company’s director of operations, said he had not booked a single visitor since May 2013. The company’s once-hectic headquarters are deserted most of the time: Employees come in only once a week, to pay the bills. “We’re not expecting any business until 2015,” Mr. Ismail said, sitting alone in his office one recent weekday.
The loss of tourism has taken a disastrous toll on the economy, starving the country of income and badly needed foreign currency. Now many people in Egypt talk not just about short-term pain but long-term damage, as workers forsake years of training and experience to hunt for new jobs outside the industry, and students abandon what had been the country’s most promising career track.
Others, though, are holding out, nervously watching their nest eggs dwindle as they wait for things to improve. “What was saved has been spent,” said Raafat Ferghani Khattab, a guide in Cairo who called tourism the family business.
Mr. Khattab, whose grandfather showed a Swedish king the sights in the early 20th century, said tourism was “the nerve system of the middle class.” It is not just families like his that are suffering, he said; the ripples from the crisis have affected people like the farmers who supply organic fruit to hotels, and even pharmacists with shops in resort areas. “They are back to square one,” he said.
There is little relief in sight. Egypt’s political struggles turned increasingly violent after the ouster of the elected Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi, last July. Hundreds of protesters have been killed by the security services, and militants have carried out deadly attacks on soldiers, police officers and civilians. Holiday makers were directly caught up in violence for the first time in about three years in February, when militants bombed a bus filled with South Korean visitors in a Sinai resort town, killing four people.
Tourism officials who tried last year to persuade the world that fears about Egypt were overblown are turning now to increasingly imaginative pitches, like promoting a spiritual retreat in a Cairo park, meant to sell a country that until recently sold itself.
Having given up on trying to attract business from the United States or many European countries, officials have focused instead on Arab tourists, hoping that regional good will and nostalgia for Egypt will trump concerns about safety. “They are comfortable here,” Rasha al-Azaizy, a tourism ministry spokeswoman, said of Arab visitors, who traditionally made up a fifth of Egypt’s tourists. The government is also taking aim at more unlikely markets, including Latvia, perhaps in the hope that adventurous tourists are to be found there.
In 2010, before the political crisis, almost 15 million foreign tourists visited Egypt, officials said; last year the figure fell to 9.5 million. Most of the visitors these days are beachgoers who avoid Cairo and other cultural destinations, limiting the reach of the money they spend. But the resort business is under threat, too, after the attack on the bus in Sinai, which was quickly followed by travel warnings from several European countries.
The crisis has been a boon to a trickle of travelers who have ignored the warnings and found five-star hotel accommodations available for a song close to prime beaches and historic sites.
At the same time, workers at Egypt’s most famous attractions have had to get used to an unsettling quiet. At the pyramids in Giza, hawkers seem to outnumber tourists most mornings by about 10 to one. In the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, employees napped in their chairs one recent afternoon while a handful of people lingered around King Tutankhamen’s gleaming funerary mask, unhurried by any crowds.
Outside the building, dozens of soldiers and police officers stood guard next to armored vehicles and trucks, a visible reminder of the strife that has isolated the country. Some may have been there to protect the treasures and the tourists, but many were holding tear gas launchers, ready to disperse crowds in case protesters dared to march on Tahrir Square nearby.
Egypt will hold a presidential election in three weeks, which is expected to be won by Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who led the military takeover of the government in July and then served as defense minister and de facto leader of the country. His supporters pin great hopes on his presidency, saying that the popular military leader will bring a firm hand to Egypt’s spiraling crises, including the drop-off in tourism. Mr. Sisi has pointed to his background growing up in Cairo’s historic districts as evidence that he understands the industry.
Some of Egypt’s tour operators are skeptical, though, that the election will bring any immediate relief. In the past, tourism rebounded quickly from calamities, including deadly militant attacks on tourists, they say, but this time there is a broader loss of confidence in Egypt from overseas, a problem that clever slogans and confident leadership cannot easily repair.
In the garden outside the museum on a recent afternoon, desperate guides chased after a group of tourists from Thailand, only to learn that the Thais needed no guides because they had brought along Egyptian friends to show them around. A shopkeeper in the museum lobby stood in his stall, among maps and guidebooks no one was buying, recalling the boom years, when “you couldn’t step a foot inside this museum.”
Alaa Mosaad, a 37-year-old tour operator who sat in a nearly empty patio restaurant, said he was afraid that the downturn in tourism “will last another three or four years.” Like many in the industry, Mr. Mosaad has taken up other work — in his case, teaching German — to pay the bills.
His colleague Mohamed Atef, 30, noted that the succession of new governments over the last few years had each promised greater stability. But for all that, he said, “the situation of the country is getting worse.”

Asmaa Al Zohairy contributed reporting.

الأربعاء، 8 أكتوبر 2014


Hurghada ... is a coastal city located on the Red Sea in Egypt, which is one of the best and most beautiful cities, which is located on the Red Sea, it occupies first place globally, where its coral reefs, rare-multiple colors, and is available with the finest colors and forms of fish that you've never seen before anywhere else

The most important areas existing in Hurghada

First: the area of ​​the scaffold

, One of the most important areas of the city of Hurghada, they are her heart, like in Downtown Cairo, where its tourist resorts, restaurants, markets, public beaches (Free entry) and dive centers.

Second: the plateau

It is the second most important things that exist in Hurghada, a huge plateau overlooking the sea on the beach, you can walk in the street when the scaffold main view.

Third: Dahar area

Hurghada is a region where there are ancient-like coffee shops, houses and markets.

Fourth: Airport Road area

Has the most famous tourist resorts such as Thousand and One Nights, water park, the village of jasmine.

best hotels in hurghada

الثلاثاء، 7 أكتوبر 2014

Walking with the Bedouins

To read the news, the Sinai Peninsula can often appear no more than a haven for militancy, smuggling and unrest.
Sofian Noor and Mondi Soliman would like to show visitors the other side of the region – by inviting you into their homes. Together, the two men launched a tourism company the Bedouin Way in March.
“Like anywhere, there is the good and there is the bad,” Noor said. “The problem with Sinai, is that only the bad side is shown”.
The negative stereotypes can be traced back to the 80s and 90s, he said, when poverty, more than 50% unemployment, and socioeconomic marginalization hit the people of Sinai, prompting many to turn to illegal methods for income, including smuggling. The peninsula has attracted a lot of attention in recent years as being a hideout for militants. After a tourist bus was bombed in the South Sinai city of Taba this year, Britain, France and several other countries warned its people against visiting the peninsula.
But Noor said political turmoil should not hinder a visit to Sinai. The Bedouin Way is based on the peninsula’s southern tip, which is largely free of the security issues that riddle the north. Before the Taba incident, the area had reported no trouble since 2009.
“Most of what is portrayed in the media is incorrect,” Noor said.
The Bedouin Way aims to show the good side of Sinai. They want people to get up-close and personal with its dark skinned, thick accented mountain residents, and their simple yet fascinating life.
“We respect the Western culture, and ask for respect to ours in return,” Noor said.
Photo Courtesy of The Bedouin Way
Photo Courtesy of The Bedouin Way
The tour company offers 25 different packages on the peninsula, ranging in length from one to ten days. If you stay overnight, you camp under the stars in the quiet, embrace of those alluring mountains. If you are in a hurry, spend a relaxing evening in whichever location desired and enjoy the distinguished Bedouin music and a Bedouin meal.
You could go hiking, rock climbing, camel trekking, wood collecting, or on a morning safari where you suddenly find yourself in an oasis among its inhabitants.
Your Bedouin guides will keep tea brewed. Goat and lamb are cooked by nature under the ground until the meat almost falls off the bone.
“[Bedouins] place great importance on having a fire, keeping it alight and making sure they are always ready to make tea and coffee for their guests,” said Allie Astell, who handles the Bedouin Way’s marketing.
Visitors can also get involved in the Bedouin’s daily lives. They can visit locals, find out about handicrafts, and even learn to make Bedouin bread. Bedouin women, Astell said, “are some of the strongest, funniest and feistiest women.”
Noor and Soliman are always ready to discuss mysteries about Bedouins and their lifestyle, even the most sensitive issues.
“We are different,” Noor said. “For example, our women wear black and their work is their home. But they do not mind that. Their utter happiness is having clean homes and cooking the best food.”
The Bedouin Way is not just business to Noor and Soliman, Astell said. The dinners, rents and safaris they do give work to other people as well.
“Last week [Noor] gave work to a driver, cook and oud player who took a newly married Egyptian couple out to the mountains for a romantic private dinner,” she said. “He played for them after the meal. The Bedouin Way made no money from that, but someone else did.”
Photo Courtesy of The Bedouin Way
Photo Courtesy of The Bedouin Way
Sinai is home to more than 30 tribes of Bedouins, each having its own dialect. Most of their ancestors were immigrants who arrived from the Arabian Peninsula between the 14th and 18th centuries. Yet the Bedouin of the St Catherine area have Greek and Roman origins. Eastern Europeans travelled there when the St Catherine monastery was being built between 548 and 565.
Bedouins of Sinai have their own law that governs their internal conflicts. They protect people’s rights, and the final word is always that of each tribe’s leader, called the Sheikh.
The name “The Bedouin Way” was inspired by Noor’s late cousin. He had a website that bore the same name, and in his memory Noor decided to revive it.
“Nasser inspired me so much when I was young and he taught me everything I know about the desert,” Noor wrote on his website. “This was a good way to thank Nasser for everything he did for me.”

encourage tourists to come to Egypt

Over the last two months, the number of tourists in Egypt has declined, because the young people of Egypt have a great peaceful revolution in history, there were some episodes of painful and scary at the same time ,but that any foreign tourists did not suffer any damage, and all the tourists have returned home safely, for this reason, we  encourage foreigners to come to Egypt, and especially after the end of all events that have been discouraged foreigners to come to Egypt, Egypt today is very safe, and Egyptian security fully ready to ensure security when you arrive in Egypt, but the same rebel Egyptian ensure your safety and peace of mind on your soul, and invite you to visit the birthplace of the revolution that is called (Maidan ELTAHRIR) meaning (square of liberation), and we hope you come to Egypt to witness the greatness of the Egyptian
are able to change their reality, which was bitter. Thank you very much